Joyful Journeys
Directed by Udayakantha Warnasuriya | Written by Udayakantha Warnasuriya | Starring Hemasiri Liyanage , Nalin Pradeep Udawela , Madani Malwattege
The story follows Wilson Godamanne, an 85-year-old former film actor living with his family in the serene hill country of Sri Lanka. Longing for a sense of purpose and a connection to his past, Wilson decides to attend a film festival showcasing one of his old movies. Accompanied by his 8-year-old grandson, he embarks on the journey, reliving cherished memories. However, on his way back home, Wilson suffers a fatal heart attack. With only his young grandson by his side, the unfolding events reveal the kindness of strangers and the enduring bonds of friendship. Joyful Journeys is a moving exploration of aging, self-worth, and the universal need for human compassion and dignity as life nears its twilight.
Highlights and Recognition
Language: Sinhala
Runtime: 1 hour 44 minutes
Country of Origin: Sri Lanka
Release Date
March 16, 2018